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Titles in our offer
Socijalnim kapitalom do uspjeha
How to draw hidden resources from your personal and business networks.
Sportski menadžment
The best insight into the future of professional sports.
Statistika za poslovanje i ekonomiju
"Statistics for Business and Economics" (Sixth Edition, 2010) by Paul Newbold, William L. Carlson, and Betty Thorne provides a thorough understanding of statistical methods applicable to business and economics.
Strateški menadžment (14. izdanje)
The book "Strategic Management" (14th edition, 2008) by Arthur A. Thompson, A.J. Strickland III and John E. Gamble is a comprehensive textbook divided into two parts.
Strateško vođenje intervjua
The book "Strategic interviewing" deals with techniques and methods of effective interviewing in different contexts, including business, journalistic, research and forensic interviews.
Suvremena prodaja: stvaranje vrijednosti za kupca
Contemporary sales is a top selling textbook that follows the changing market conditions as well as the increasing expectations of customers. The purpose of each new edition of Contemporary Sales is to make this textbook as practical and applicable as pos
Tajna čarobnog napitka - Slučaj sumnjivog rasta
The future is near. Peace was declared throughout the world. The President of the USA gives the Kinetic Express X-100 as a gift to American youth.
Temelji ekonomske analize prava
Economic analysis of law encompasses all subject areas that are important for any legal system and non-economic factors. The author provides an overview of topics that connect economics and legal sciences.
Tržišta kapitala
The purpose of this book is to combine theoretical discussions and institutional descriptions to provide insight into the operation of some of the world's major capital markets. It is intended for students, but it is written in an accessible way for a wid
Učinkoviti odnosi s javnošću (deseto izdanje)
"Effective Public Relations" (tenth edition, 2010) by Glen M. Broom is one of the key works in the field of public relations.