Jesam li vam ikad lagao?

Jesam li vam ikad lagao?

Art Buchwald

This witty and satirical book brings a collection of columns by the famous American journalist and humorist Art Buchwald, selected by Nikola Kršić.

Through a British style and sarcasm, the author comments on political and social events, ridiculing hypocrisy, bureaucracy and the absurdity of everyday life. His humor often exposes the reality behind political decisions, media manipulation and human weaknesses, but always with a touch of warmth and irony. The book is a mosaic of reflections on American society, international relations and culture, and Buchwald's distinctive style provides readers with entertainment, but also an incentive to think about serious topics through the prism of satire.

Naslov originala
Have I ever lied to you?
Nikola Kršić
Zlatko Crnković
Alfred Pal
19,5 x 12 cm
Broj strana
Znanje, Zagreb, 1981.
Latinica. Tvrde korice s omotom.
Jezik: Hrvatski.

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Primerak broj 1

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Primerak broj 2

Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Oštećenja / nepogodnosti:
  • Eine Nachricht persönlicher Natur
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