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Stephenie Meyer conquered young readers around the world with "Twilight", a novel that instantly became the world's most popular work of romantic horror for young readers. "New Moon" is an even more tense, shocking and uncertain sequel...
In Forks, the cloudiest and rainiest city in the United States, the sun is shining for Bella Swan. The brightest, brightest sun in the world – Edward Cullen, the most beautiful student at the local high school, the love of her life. With Edward, Bella feels like she's really worth it, like she's not unsightly and clumsy and completely average. With Edward, Bella finds a new family – the Cullens, father Carlisle and mother Esma, brothers Emmett and Jasper, sisters Rosalie and Alice. The Cullens are one of the most respected and oldest families in Forks, very rich, very refined and full of love for Bella. The Cullens are also vampires. In this lies the secret of their beauty and their wealth - as well as their kindness: because the Cullens have renounced the habits of the rest of the vampire race and do not live on human blood. Here and there they go hunting for bears, which are abundant in the surrounding Olympic Peninsula, and thus quench their thirst. They dedicated their immortal lives to coexistence with the human race, to finding a more moral, correct path. Eternally young, eternally perfect, they accept into their ranks a mortal woman who has just turned eighteen and thus forever became older than the eternally seventeen-year-old Edward...
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