Homeopatske remedije indikovane za temperaturu i kašalj

Homeopatske remedije indikovane za temperaturu i kašalj

Vesna Vuković, Lidija Rančić, Nada Aleksić, Jasmina Stojić, Dragica Laćimić

The book provides a detailed overview of homeopathic approaches to treating these common symptoms. It is intended for practitioners and students of homeopathy, as well as anyone interested in natural methods of treatment.

Content of the book:

Introduction to Homeopathy: An explanation of the basic principles of homeopathic medicine and its application in the treatment of symptoms such as fever and cough.

Detailed description of remedies: Analysis of various homeopathic preparations used to treat fever and cough, including indications for their use, dosage and expected results.

Case Studies: Practical examples from clinical practice that illustrate the successful use of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of patients with these symptoms.

Guidelines for the selection of remedies: Criteria and methods for the correct selection of the appropriate remedy based on the specific symptoms and condition of the patient.

The book emphasizes the importance of an individualized approach in homeopathy, taking into account the unique symptoms and needs of each patient. It also provides useful tips for recognizing and differentiating between different types of cough and febrile conditions, making it easier to choose the appropriate remedy.

Tijana Ružić
24 x 17 cm
Broj strana
Simillimum, Beograd, 2011.
Tiraž: 500 primjeraka
Latinica. Broširano.
Jezik: Srpski.

Jedan primjerak je u ponudi

Stanje:Korišteno, u odličnom stanju
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