Stranac u noći
After being transferred to a remote valley of the Lake District, Inspector Mark "Heck" Heckenburg adjusts to a quieter life, quite different from the one in the Serial Crime Unit where bloodshed was part of the everyday.
However, wherever Heck goes, trouble is always waiting around the corner.
The infamous "Stranger", a callous criminal with whom Heck has not dealt before, returns to the scene. Last seen ten years ago on Dartmoor, the death-dealing serial killer has found a new home. As a thick, icy fog descends on the Lake District, the Stranger goes on a bloody campaign again and chooses two girls lost in the hills as his first victims. Only one was found, barely alive, but capable of confirming Heck's worst fears.
As the Stranger lays siege to a remote village, Heck watches helplessly at the cruel game of a killer whose victims hear a familiar melody before their gruesome death.
In a valley cut off from the world where he cannot count on help, Heck has only to play by the rules...
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