Dragutina Golika 32
Naslovi u ponudi
Artamonovi / Gradić Okurov
Roman "Artamonovi" je jedno od značajnijih djela Maksima Gorkog, objavljeno 1925. godine. Priča "Gradić Okurov" je kraći roman ili novela koju je Gorki napisao 1909. godine.
Bourneov identitet
Bourneov identitet prvi je roman u kultnoj seriji o Jasonu Bourneu, objavljen 1980. godine. Ovaj špijunski triler jedan je od najpoznatijih Ludlumovih djela, koje je postalo temelj za popularne filmske adaptacije.
Chancellorov rukopis
Chancellor's Manuscript is a novel by Robert Ludlum, published in 1977. This spy thriller explores themes of power, conspiracy and information manipulation, which is characteristic of Ludlum's writing style.
Depresija: bolest današnjice
The book "Depression – today's disease" by dr. Raphaela Lenné provides a comprehensive insight into the problem of depression, analyzing its causes, symptoms and treatment options.
Djetinjstvo / Među ljudima
"Childhood" is an autobiographical novel by Maksim Gorky, the first part of his autobiographical trilogy, which also includes the works "Among People" and "My Universities". "Among People", the second part of the autobiographical trilogy, continues the st
Doba života, doba smrti / Slavoluk pobjede / Ljubi bližnjega svoga
Selected works of Remarque in three volumes.