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Kaptol 25
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Na putu u skrivenu dolinu - Umijeće prihvaćanja besmisla
Nevjesta obitelji Borgia
Italy, 1492. Her name is Sancha of Aragon. The beautiful illegitimate daughter of Alfonso II. Napuljski only feels contempt for his father's callousness.
Novi užitak u seksu
"New pleasure in sex" is one of the most popular sexology manuals in the world, the previous editions of which have sold 8.5 million copies.
Astrological guide - How to meet and win the man of your life
Tena's columns are above all clever. and right after that the funny ones. She erases stereotypes about columnists because her interest is not sex, shoes, cocktails and popular psychology, except when she deals with such topics phenomenologically.
Odnijelo ih more 1-3
Ray and Stella Quinn adopted a troubled boy, Cameron, already steeped in petty crime. After him, they adopted two more and put them back on the right path.
Odvažnost nade
Das Buch „Audacity of Hope“ ist Obamas Aufruf zu einer neuen Art von Politik – einer Politik, die auf gegenseitigem Verständnis setzt.
Oko cucka pa na mala vrata
Der Roman „Oko cucka pa na mala vrata“ von Hrvoj Šalković spielt in Zagreb. Eine Gruppe von Freunden plant einen Banküberfall.