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12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
12 rules for life is a book that fundamentally shakes contemporary generally accepted views, a book that will transform and elevate the heart and mind of every reader.
A Doll's House and Other Plays
Pružajući tri različite i moćne vizije likova koji odlučuju da prkose konvencijama u potrazi za srećom, Kuća lutaka i druge drame Henrika Ibsena prevedena je uz uvod Pitera Votsa u Penguin Classics.
All the Conspirators
Bezvremenska priča o propadajućem životu engleske srednje klase nakon Prvog svjetskog rata i generaciji koja je pokušala pobjeći od njezinih vrijednosti.
...And the Rain My Drink
Prvi put objavljen 1956., veličanstveni roman Han Suyina o razdoblju izvanredne situacije u Malaji i Singapuru.
Antony and Cleopatra
A tragic drama of love and loss, sex and power, told in language of poetic sublimity, Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare's supreme imaginative achievements.
Biography by distinguished English historian of Canadian who was MP and press baron in UK during World War I and World War II, and Minister of Aircraft Production under Winston Churchill
Children Are Civilians Too
These twenty-six stories illustrate Heinrich Boll's finely nuanced storytelling at its best. In stunning portraits of ordinary people, Boll creates a rich tapestry of the dark years in postwar Germany.
Claudine at School
Claudine is a head strong, clever and extremely mischievous schoolgirl. Along with her friends the lanky Anais, the cheerful Marie and the prim Joubert twins Claudine wreaks havoc on her small school.
Lucky Jim
Regarded by many as the finest, and funniest, comic novel of the twentieth century, Lucky Jim remains as trenchant, withering, and eloquently misanthropic as when it first scandalized readers back in 1954.
Meet Mr Mulliner
Meet Mr. Mulliner is a collection of short stories by P. G. Wodehouse.