August Strindberg
Titles in our offer
1000 najljepših novela #7-9
Brakovi / Povijesne minijature
The collection of short stories Marriages brought Strindberg accusations of blasphemy, and because of the criticism of women's emancipation, it also caused reactions from liberal circles. Although he was acquitted in court, the case affected him psycholog
Crvena soba
Crvena soba
The Red Room is the first modern Swedish novel, published when the author was only 30 years old, and in which Strindberg in an inimitable way managed to connect and fuse the genera-genre orientations of narrative prose, drama and novels.
Godišnje igre (Advent - Uskrs - Ivanje) / Komorne igre (Sablasna sonata - Pelikan)
Gospođa Julija / Otac
Gotičke sobe
Inferno / Okultni dnevnik : brak s Harrietom Bosse
U Strindbergovoj književnoj ostavštini takozvani Okultni dnevnik zauzima posebno mjesto. Ništa se s njime ne može usporediti.
Ispovijed jednog luđaka
Godine 1875. Strindberg upoznaje barunicu Sirri von Essen i zaljubljuje se. Za dvije godine događa se neminovno: barunica se rastaje od baruna i udaje za Strindberga, prihvaćajući radi te ljubavi znatno neizvjesniju budućnost.