Milivoj Solar
Titles in our offer
Ideja i priča: Aspekti teorije proze
This is the most influential and, according to some critics, Solar's best book. The subtitle refers only to the central issue, because the horizon in which the independent conception of the theory of prose is built is so broad that it encompasses the fund
Književna kritika i filozofija književnosti
The texts in this book deal with the relationship between literary criticism and philosophy; some belong to literary criticism and some to the philosophy of literature.
Republika 1964/10
Suvremena svjetska književnost
Contemporary world literature deals with the time period after the Second World War up to the time of the writing of the work.
Suvremena svjetska književnost
This book discusses some problems of the study of world literature, the position of literature in our time, the peculiarities of contemporary literary expression and some development trends of contemporary literary production.