This story is somewhat scary in some parts, but like every fairy tale, it brings us a happy ending and a good lesson. It tells about a little girl the size of a thumb, Palčica, who already at the beginning of her life suffers a series of misfortunes, whic
On her journey, Thumbelina meets a terrible frog who wanted to marry her to her son, and then a kind arm, who out of good intentions wanted to marry her to a boring, old mole. Nevertheless, Palčica was saved from both marriages and eventually met the Little Prince, who was her size and with whom she immediately fell in love. They got married and lived happily in flowers, fun and love.
The lesson of this story is clear. He says that in life we will encounter many problems and obstacles. Many will try to get us to do something we don't want to do, but as long as we are true to ourselves, honest and good, just like Thumbelina, we will overcome these obstacles and get what is best for us as a reward. Thumbelina did not want to harm or hurt anyone for a single moment. She was honest, and she helped the needy in times of need. In the end, she got her reward and ended up happily ever after. Palčica did not give up in her most difficult moments, that's why in the end her kindness, honesty, and optimism won. We should emulate Palčica and honestly overcome all problems, in order to deserve happiness for the rest of our lives.
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