"A Girl with a Heroic Heart" is a children's novel by Slovenian author Tone Seliškar. This book is a warm and emotional story that follows a brave little girl in the difficult circumstances of the Second World War.
"Eagles fly early" is one of Branko Ćopić's most famous children's novels, published in 1958. It is an adventure story about a group of boys and girls from the imaginary Bosnian village of Lipovo during World War II.
Veselin Masleša, 1962.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
3.78 €
Literature for children • School reading • Croatian literature
"Tales from the past" are a collection of fairy tales that combine elements of Slavic mythology, folk tales and the author's imagination. Each story is set in an imaginary world filled with wondrous creatures, mythological characters and moral lessons. Al
"Partisan Sad Tales" is a collection of stories by Branko Ćopić, published in 1949, which in a special way describes the suffering, heroism and emotional moments from the time of the National Liberation Struggle during the Second World War.