Filozofija u srednjem veku
Philosophy in the Middle Ages is a monumental study of one of the greatest connoisseurs of medieval philosophy, and the starting point of consideration is the touch of philosophy and the Christian religion, "as soon as the converts of Greek culture appear
The development of philosophical thought in the defined period is shown in the interweaving of traditional ancient wisdom with the new social power of Christianity, along with the presentation of Arab and Jewish philosophy of the respective period, the influence of which in the 13th century led to the founding of the first European universities.
"Nothing is more legitimate, from the point of view of the general history of philosophy, than to ask what happened to the philosophical problems posed by the Greeks during the first fourteen centuries of the Christian era. However, if we want to study and understand the philosophy of this period, we must look for it where it is found, that is, in the writings of men who openly presented themselves as theologians or who wanted to become one. The history of medieval philosophy is an abstraction taken from this larger and more comprehensive reality which was Catholic theology in the Middle Ages. A masterpiece, essential for understanding the thought of the Middle Ages and the very beginnings of the modern era.
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