To whom the priest who was torn between two loves all his life - his vocation and a young village girl - complained, find out in the book "I Sue".
A washerwoman from Karlovy Vary who raised three children once vowed that her son Ivica would finish theological studies and become a priest. Before the main vow, Ivica meets Zlata, the girlfriend of his benefactor. When he found out about their relationship, the girl's father tried to persuade Ivica's mother to allow Ivica to leave the priesthood, but her mother would not hear of it. Torn between two loves, Ivica becomes a priest with a firm belief that he will keep his promise. At a funeral, he meets Zlata, who, to everyone's astonishment, becomes his hostess. The idyll was broken by Zlata's admission that she would become a mother. Since no one was supposed to know about that child, Zlata and Ivica gave him to their faithful friends. Grieving for the child she was not allowed to recognize as her own, Zlata fell ill and died, which prompted Ivica to reconsider the correctness of his decisions and complain to God...
One copy is available
- The cover is missing