Izgubljeni zavičaj / Dolutali metak

Izgubljeni zavičaj / Dolutali metak

Slobodan Novak

A short novel or a longer story, Izgubljeni zavičaj (1955), established Novak as one of the most important writers of Croatian existentialism.

That text also introduced themes and motifs that Novak would obsessively elaborate in his later prose. The narrator of Lost Homeland as an adult man comes to the island where he spent his childhood and through four stories representing the four seasons (sheep shearing, fishing, grape harvesting, brandy brewing) deals with the problems of time, memory and forgetting. In the center of the text is the subsequent memory of the narrative subject, which destroys the idea of his Arcadian childhood by finding in it a series of class, gender and ideological fissures.

Šime Vučetić, Ivo Frangeš
Graphics design
Boris Dogan
19.5 x 12 cm
Zora, Zagreb, 1969.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Slight damage to the dust jacket
  • Traces of patina

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