Iz tame u svjetlost

Iz tame u svjetlost

Marino Restrepo

The work before you is the result of a life filled with dramatic events, mysticism, experiences and knowledge that may seem contradictory to those who live far from God.

It is a depiction of human life riddled with the greatest mistakes and dangers, as a consequence of a life without spiritual awareness, a life steeped in blind ambitions and focused on worldly success. However, in this book you will also find the fruit of the author's encounter with the Creator, during which God's Grace and God's Forgiveness rescued him from the ashes of sin and turned his wasted life into the bread of evangelization for the whole world. As I write this, the well-known message from the Gospel is ringing in my ear: God chose the little ones to humiliate the big ones.

Original title
From darkness into the light
Mirta Knežević
Neđeljka Batinović, Anđina Markić
20.5 x 15 cm
Detecta, Zagreb, 2007.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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