Odgovornost za ratne zločine pred sudovima u Hrvatskoj

Odgovornost za ratne zločine pred sudovima u Hrvatskoj

Ivo Josipović

A book on the sources of law for responsibility for war crimes before courts in Croatia by a professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb.

The book consists of several parts, the first of which is a comprehensive introductory study on the historical roots, international experiences and Croatian practice of responsibility for war crimes. The following are the sources of law, first of all Croatian, and then international. One part of the content is presented on the attached CD-ROM. At the end of the book is a bibliography and sources on the Internet.

28 x 20 cm
Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2006.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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