Komentar kaznenog zakona

Komentar kaznenog zakona

Berislav Pavišić, Petar Veić

This book should serve the professional public as a manual for getting to know the new Criminal Code.

In the commentary, the news is explained in detail with each article, and in the introduction, the most important news from each chapter is highlighted in the introduction, and I am convinced that it will first of all make it easier for state attorneys, lawyers and judges to recognize the legal continuity between certain provisions of the old and new Criminal Code (see also among the appendices in this book are explanations for the deleted provisions of the old Criminal Code and a comparative presentation of the articles of the old and new Criminal Code). The appendices also contain the views of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia on unspecified values ​​in the new Penal Code, which are important for the demarcation of basic and privileged, or qualified forms of certain criminal acts, and in many cases also for the demarcation of misdemeanors and criminal acts. Among the attachments is the Table of Criminal Sanctions in the new Penal Code, which shows the limits of mitigation of punishment, the possibility of imposing community service and suspended sentences, and the punishability of attempts for certain criminal acts from the new Penal Code. Finally, a detailed table of contents should make it much easier to navigate the new Criminal Code.

Zlatko Kovačić
25 x 17.5 cm
24 sata, Zagreb, 1999.
Distribution: 1,500 copies
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

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