Vladimir Filakovac 1892 - 1972.
The monograph presents the work and life path of V. Filakovac, painter, illustrator, caricaturist and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.
Croatian modern art marked the first half of the 20th century, and in its second half it took on a historical aura, when it was scientifically illuminated and judged - its protagonists, poetics and phenomena are listed by name thanks to numerous individual research endeavors, and above all to the synthesis of prof. Dr. Grge Gamulina. Even today, research is supplemented by new knowledge and insights, especially by organizing scientifically based retrospective exhibitions and printing monographs about its prominent members, among whom the name of Vladimir Filakovac is indispensable. (...) Filakovac is the doyen of our modernity, a member of the second artistic generation, painter, illustrator, caricaturist, sculptor, and professor at the fine arts academies in Belgrade and Zagreb. Growing up in the twenties and thirties of the 20th century in Budapest and Vienna, in direct contact with European modern tendencies, based on pluralism, freedom and tolerance, Filakovac joined our patriotic artistic intelligentsia, promoters of new stylistic and aesthetic Western European values in us, which was then searching for a national artistic identity. With his extensive art work, roughly dated between 1909 and 1972, he conveyed this noble idea. (...) It is understandable that the printing of the monograph ultimately aims to more comprehensively valorize and present his work as the most credible confirmation of his artistic excellence.
Jelica Ambruš (from the introduction)
One copy is available