The first complete and critical edition, edited by Dr. Milan Šenoa and Dr. Slavko Ježić on the 50th anniversary of the poet's death.
Although Šeno's songs are mostly patriotic and love, his lyrical oeuvre varies in the range from religious to satirical lyrics. Following mostly traditional syllabic metrics, he wrote ballads, romances, sonnets, etc. His lyric poems occupy a particularly important place in the first years of his creativity, and in them he often expressed the political program of the populist movement (Na Ozlju gradu, Hrvatska pjesma, Budi svoj!, U the glory of J. J. Strossmayer, Slanderer of Croatia, Croatian Croat and others). His anthology song "Zagrebu", which has become a kind of anthem of the capital of Croatia. Šenoa is also the founder of modern Croatian Kajkavian dialectal poetry. This e-edition contains Šeno's complete poetic oeuvre: his love, patriotic, humorous and satirical poems, several legends, romances and ballads, as well as anecdotes and chronicles.
One copy is available