Atlantida - najveća misterija prošlosti

Atlantida - najveća misterija prošlosti

Ahmed Bosnić

Mysterious events related to the people and expeditions that searched for Atlantis. Did Heinrich Schliman know where the hypothetical country was located? What is recorded in ancient books and manuscripts?

Mysterious events related to the people and expeditions that searched for Atlantis. Did Heinrich Schliman know where the hypothetical country was located? What is recorded in ancient books and manuscripts? Did a more advanced civilization flourish on Atlantis than today? Who were its genius builders? How and why did she disappear? How and where was ancient knowledge kept? Did the peoples of ancient cultures use devices similar to today's televisions and telescopes? How to decipher 100,000 encrypted manuscripts? Are the Basques and Mayans the direct heirs of the hypothetical culture? What did the last days of the civilization that preceded modern humanity look like? What do the blue waters of the Atlantic hide? Will the ancient legend turn into a scientific discovery?

Graphics design
Esad Bajramović
20 x 13 cm
Vlastita naklada, Sarajevo, 1986.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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