Grčka civilizacija u arhajsko i klasično doba
The book contains 229 black-and-white reproductions, 8 color reproductions and 34 maps and drawings, a dictionary of names and terms, a chronological table with a comparative overview of political and cultural events, and a bibliography.
Greek culture, in the broadest sense of the word, has been attracting the attention of experts and amateurs for centuries. Getting to know, studying and interpreting its content has become the subject of interest not only for a whole range of scientific disciplines, but also for almost every educated person.
François Chamoux dedicated his work Greek Civilization to getting to know ancient Greece, its history and culture, its thoughts and feelings. It is an extensive and exhaustive, scientifically meticulous and exact synthesis, which was created as a result of comprehensive knowledge of the material, social and intellectual foundations of an era that occupies a special chapter in the history of mankind. With a simple sentence, without pretensions to be new and original in everything, but consistent in seeking and citing arguments for each conclusion, F. Chamoux managed to show and bring to us all the complexity of the ancient Greek civilization from its first, archaic days to the end of the classical era . At the same time archaeologist and historian, philosopher and writer, the author of this work, which was noted in French public life, pointed out the dialectical connection and logic of the processes that marked and determined the content of the history and culture of ancient Greece.
One copy is available