Sto godina tvornice namještaja u Osijeku (katalog izlobe)

Sto godina tvornice namještaja u Osijeku (katalog izlobe)

Ida Horvat, Franjo Halusek, Tibor Karpati

The book provides an overview of the history of the Osijek furniture factory from its foundation to the present day, it documents not only the history of one factory, but also the wider context of industrial development in Osijek and Croatia.

The book covers the various stages of the factory's development, including:

  1. Foundation and early development: Describes the beginnings of the factory and its first years of operation.
  2. Industrialization and modernization: Shows how the factory progressed through industrial changes and modernization of production processes.
  3. Nationalization and the post-war period: Analyzes the impact of nationalization after the Second World War and how the factory functioned in the socialist system.
  4. Design and production: Focuses on furniture design and technological innovations that have been introduced over the years.

Marija Malbaša
Ida Horvat
Rudolf Bartolović, Antun Peić
20 x 14 cm
Muzej Slavonije, Osijek, 1984.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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