Slučaj Kappler : Od Ardeatina do Soltaua

Slučaj Kappler : Od Ardeatina do Soltaua

Guido Gerosa

Who was Herbert Kappler? Chief of the Gestapo in Rome during Nazi rule in the months of terror that preceded the liberation.

He ordered the destruction of the Jewish ghetto in Rome. He was the merciless executor of the massacre of 335 innocent victims in the Ardeatin tunnels. This is precisely why his escape caused outrage and condemnation in Italy and abroad.

Original title
Il caso kappler, dalle Ardeatine a Soltau
Stanko Škunca
20 x 12 cm
Otokar Keršovani, Rijeka, 1978.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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