Hrvati u tridesetgodišnjem ratu
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Hrvati u tridesetgodišnjem ratu

Ernest Bauer

The book "Croats in the Thirty Years' War" by Ernest Bauer deals with the role of the Croatian people during one of the most destructive conflicts in European history, which lasted from 1618 to 1648.

Bauer analyzes the political, military and social aspects of the war, and points out that the Croats, as part of the Habsburg Monarchy, were involved in conflicts with different parties, including Protestants and Catholics. The author investigates the military strategy, organization and contribution of Croatian soldiers, as well as the impact of the war on demographic and economic conditions in Croatia.

The book also explores the broader contexts of the war, including international relations and domestic political circumstances, and how these factors shaped the fate of Croats at the time. Overall, Bauer's work represents an important contribution to the understanding of complex relations and dynamics during the Thirty Years' War, with a special emphasis on the Croatian people.

From the Preface: "There are very few periods of our war history, about which as little is known as the participation of the Croats in the Thirty Years' War. The first historian who dealt with this topic was Ivan Kukuljević-Sakcinski with his treatise The Struggle of the Croats in the Thirty Years' War. The author is expert and precise treated the subject, processing data and sources from various European museums."

20 x 14 cm
Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 1941.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

Two copies are available

Copy number 1

Condition:Used, excellent condition

Copy number 2

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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