Izabrani filozofski spisi
The first comprehensive selection of Leibniz's philosophical works in the Croatian language. The selection does not include Theodicy and New Essays, as well as Leibniz's later scientific works.
This selection provides insight into Leibniz's philosophy, including his critiques of other philosophers, considerations of knowledge, truth, nature, and metaphysics, and his own philosophical systems such as monadology and prestable harmony.
The content of the book includes:
- Considerations on knowledge, truth and ideas - where Leibniz analyzes the nature of knowledge and the criteria of truth.
- On universal synthesis and analysis or on the method of research and judgment - discussion on the methodology of scientific research.
- On the principle of continuity - where he presents his understanding of continuity in nature.
- Remarks to the general part of Descartes' principles and Against Descartes - critical reviews of Descartes' philosophy.
- Comments on Spinoza's ethics - comments on Spinoza's ethics.
- Considerations on the science of a single all-embracing spirit and Considerations on the principles of life and on plastic natures - research on spiritual and organic nature.
- Discussion on metaphysics - where he presents basic metaphysical viewpoints.
- Several letters to Arnauld - correspondence with discussions on philosophical issues.
- The new system of nature and the community of substances as well as the union of soul and body and On reestablished harmony - where he presents his theories on the relationship between soul and body.
- Response to consideration of the system of pre-stabilized harmony - response to criticism of his system.
- Mind-Based Principles of Nature and Grace - where he discusses natural laws and grace.
- Monadology and theses of philosophy or theses written in honor of Prince Eugene in 1714 - where he presents his monadological metaphysics.
- About wisdom - where he reflects on the nature of wisdom and philosophy.
One copy is available