Knjiga za Maju: improvizacija na duši
Tomas' prose book of unrest, disintegration and attempts to unify beings, which means the world, which persistently eludes the author, from the days of nomads who did not create a foothold, to those when virtues and vices change the hierarchy and the mora
In poetic prose lines, the narrator reveals fragments of events and memories that marked and built him. It is an intimate story, but also a description of a generation whose upbringing was interrupted by war. A layered text in which themes of returning to one's homeland and one's home, loss of loved ones, pictures from childhood, loss and finding oneself appear. The backbone of the story is the thought about the impossibility of escaping from reality, from the past - we are all people of "memories and heritage" shaped by the place and time of growing up and family circumstances. As the title itself suggests, this is a story about love and hope that motivates movement towards the future. The text is also an ode to great writers such as Magris, Dovlatov, Dostoyevsky, Gogol, Turgenev, Njegoš, Bulgakov, Virginia Wolf, Chekhov.....
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