Duh u močvari
Ghost in the Swamp is a children's novel written in 1989, filled with intrigue, adventure and children's resourcefulness, just like descriptions of the beautiful winter idyll in the areas of Kopački Rit.
U središtu radnje su brat i sestra, Miron and Melita, već poznati junaci Gardaševih romana, te njihov zajednički prijatelj Eukaliptus. Tijekom zimskih praznika Miron and Melita odlaze u posjet Eukaliptusu čija se obitelj preselila and Kopački rit Kopaceva. The two of you have the right to take advantage of the opportunity to use the camera, the color is in the pole, and there are many more things, the populace is there, the words and the words are there, and you can also use them beforehand. No, životinjama prijeti još jedna opasnost, a to su lovokradice koje ne prezaju ni za čim kako bi zaradile na mesu. Upravo Miron, Melita i Eukaliptus pronalaze prve tragove aktivnosti lovokradica koji će ih na kraju dovesti do glavnog krivca.
One copy is available