Kijevska piletina
In the third part of the trilogy called Kievan chicken, Drago Hedl continues to write intriguingly, succinctly and sharply. The insider's insight and many years of experience as a journalist were translated into the style of a good genre writer in detecti
In "Kievska chicken" — the sequel to the criminal trilogy "Electoral Silence" and "Secret of Confession" — the reader follows the same main characters: policeman Vladimir Kovač and journalist Stribor Kralj. The main villain is the same, as well as a number of secondary characters, from Serbian mobsters, Belgrade journalists, Slavonian priests to Osijek teenagers. The action of the Kiev Chicken begins practically immediately after the end of "Confessional Secrets", as if it were a TV series in which the previous episode ended with a cliffhanger.
In "Chicken of Kiev", Drago Hedl, however, slightly changes the genre model. If until now the dominant genre code was that of the whodunnit crime story, with the third novel the trilogy is redirected towards a political thriller, and the action is further internationalized with a fictional line that takes place in the troubled Ukraine.
The production company Drugi plan from Zagreb bought the copyrights for the recording of a television series (three seasons of six episodes) based on the motifs of Hedl's crime novels.
One copy is available