Smrt, međustanje i ponovno rođenje u tibetanskom budizmu

Smrt, međustanje i ponovno rođenje u tibetanskom budizmu

Lati Rinpoche, Jeffrey Hopkins

The book explores key aspects of Tibetan Buddhism related to the process of death, the state between life and death (bardo), and rebirth. With a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV.

The work offers an in-depth insight into Tibetan spiritual practices and philosophical concepts related to the soul's transition through the various stages of existence.

The book is based on the traditional teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and explains how the death process and the bardo state affect karma and future incarnations. The author provides practical guidelines for meditation and preparation for death, not only for one's own transition but also for helping the dying.

The work is significant because it illuminates complex and deep philosophical topics in an accessible way, making it useful for anyone interested in spiritual development, understanding death, or the Tibetan tradition.

Original title
Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism
Šehazija Tursić, Milica Bačić-Mujbegović
20 x 14 cm
Arion, Zemun, 1988.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available


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