Svećenik sam Kristov

Svećenik sam Kristov

Fra Ante Antić

"The book 'I Am a Priest of Christ' by Fr. Ante Antić, published in 2010, deeply explores the spiritual and pastoral identity of priests in the Catholic tradition.

The author, as an experienced Franciscan, shares his reflections on the vocation, responsibility and challenges facing priests in contemporary society. Through personal anecdotes, theological reflections and spiritual exercises, Fr. Ante emphasizes the importance of authentic faith, prayer and service in the life of a priest. The book also examines the role of priests as mediators between God and people, highlighting the need for spiritual renewal and courage in the face of crises. The author encourages priests to be authentic disciples of Christ, calling them to a deeper understanding of their mission and a commitment to serving the community. This book serves as an inspiration not only for priests, but also for all who seek a deeper meaning of faith in everyday life.

24 x 17 cm
Denona, Zagreb, 2010.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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