Slika Doriana Graya
New edition of the only novel (1891) by Oscar Wilde, about a young man of incredible physical beauty, about the phenomenon of "eternal youth". All the changes in Dorian Gray's face and body, caused by the change of summer and his hectic lifestyle, are rec
Intellectually superior, provocative, self-indulgent, extravagant, without moral and artistic prejudices, Wilde destroyed the outdated canons and conventions of his "pre-media" age by his work and behavior, laying the groundwork for the media appearances of the mentioned and numerous other pop idols of today. As a declared hedonist and esthete, obsessively obsessed with beauty and youth, Wilde comes up with his own idea: to stay forever young, and transfer all the burden of time to his framed portrait!
Of course, he couldn't fulfill his wish in his own life, but that's why he fulfilled it with his main character when he cried out to the author: "How sad it is!" muttered Dorian Gray, looking persistently at his portrait. "Oh, so sad! I will grow old, become ugly and ugly. But that image will forever remain young. Never older than this June day... Oh, if only it could be the other way around! That I remain eternally young, and that the painting grows old! I would give anything, anything for that! Yes, there is no treasure in the whole world that I would not give for that! And his soul too!»... And Dorian gave, both soul and body, and not only them... and what else and how, be sure to read in this iconic masterpiece.
One copy is available