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A bizarre murder took place in the Berlin ZOO - someone threw a man to wild pigs to tear him apart alive. Policewoman Sanela Beara is the first to arrive at the crime scene: ambitious and determined to solve the case.
Edgar Wallace was an English writer, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and director. He is considered one of the most successful crime-authors in the English-speaking world and the founder of the modern thriller, whose representative at the beginning o
Just one day before changing his will, the wealthy Harry Stanford will drown in storms off the coast of Corsica.
„The Fist of God“ von Frederick Forsyth, dem Autor von „Der Tag des Schakals“, „Der Fall Odessa“ und vielen anderen Romanen, ist ein spannender Spionageroman, in dem Mike Martin nach einer irakischen Geheimwaffe sucht, mit der Saddam Hussein es vorhat um
The Seven Percent Solution is a 1974 novel by the American writer Nicholas Meyer. It was written as a pastiche of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and was filmed in the film of the same name in 1976. Published as "The Lost Manuscript" of the late Dr. Jo