Korporatizam: Tajna vlada novog svjetskog poretka
The book is about the enslavement and destruction of human consciousness and the human spirit by huge monopolistic global corporations that control resources, land, war, medicine, information, food, water, education and thought.
Korupcija u hrvatskom zdravstvu
The book in front of you was written with the intention of clarifying the basic concepts related to corruption in health systems.
Kosovo – bitka bez iluzija
Kratka povest vremena
Hawking's A Brief History of Time is a book for those who understand words more than the language of mathematics, but still want to taste the pleasure of discovering the origins and nature of our world.
Kratki espresso : 2016. - 2017.
Kristina - Švedska kraljica
In this book, the author provides an overview of the life of Queen Kristina of Sweden, one of the most complex figures in European history.
Kriza identiteta savremenog jugoslovenskog društva
Kronika kulta ličnosti
The famous scientist and university professor was arrested in Stalin's great purge in 1937. She spent 17 years in prisons and Siberian camps. Memories have written this extremely interesting book. The theme of evil is perpetuated by a woman's handwriting.
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