Religion & Beliefs
Sloboda za ljubav - Ignacijanske duhovne vježbe
Sluga Božji
Herbert Madinger was a priest known for his great love for Mary and the Eucharistic Jesus, which marked his entire life.
Smrt, međustanje i ponovno rođenje u tibetanskom budizmu
The book explores key aspects of Tibetan Buddhism related to the process of death, the state between life and death (bardo), and rebirth. With a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV.
Snagom duha
Introduction to the faith and life of the Christian community.....
Snovi i istinitosti (Licem u lice s Bogom)
S papom Ivanom Pavlom II. - Osijek, 7. lipnja 2003., Zračna luka ˝Osijek˝
Liturgical guide
Spašen sam : riječi samopouzdanja
The book is designed to help readers find meaning and peace in everyday life through prayer and spiritual practice.
Spisi svetoga Leopolda Bogdana Mandića
The book Writings of St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić was prepared based on the writings that served in the process of his beatification. The manuscripts are in the archives of the Vicepostulature in Padua.
Spoznaja koja vodi do vječnog života
"Knowledge that leads to eternal life" is a book published by Jehovah's Witnesses in 1995. The book explores fundamental questions about God, the purpose of life and how to achieve eternal life according to the teachings of the Bible.
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