Religion & Beliefs
The Glory and the Shame: Reflections on the 20th-Century - Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
A comprehensive portrayal of the worldwide 20th-century charismatic movement in all its complexity.
The Holy Bible: Standard English Version
Engleska standardna verzija (ESV) nalazi se u klasičnoj glavnoj struji engleskih prijevoda Biblije. ESV je "u suštini doslovan" prijevod koji nastoji uhvatiti preciznu formulaciju izvornog teksta i osobni stil svakog pisca Biblije.
The Islamic Revolution of Iran. A Sociological Study (Vol. I)
The Lion Christian Classics Collection
Ovo je zbirka klasičnih kršćanskih spisa, a uključuje dijelove o duhovnosti, doktrinama i društvenim promjenama te odlomke koji su promijenili način na koji ljudi razmišljaju i ponašaju se. Unosi uključuju Origenovu 'O molitvi' i Bedinu 'Povijest engleske
The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language
Otvorite Poruku i Božja riječ oživljava! Otkrijte iznenađenje i čudesnost Božje Riječi. Biblijska poruka obećava uroniti vašu maštu i probuditi vašu vjeru. Slušajte Božje srce kako govori jezikom vašeg srca.
The New Atheists: The Twilight of Reason and the War on Religion
„Novi ateisti” – Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, A. C. Grayling, Sam Harris i drugi predmet su kontinuirane kritike katoličke feminističke teologinje Tine Beattie.
The Prodigal Project - Journey into the Emerging Church
At last, written by and for those who love God but struggle to belong to the church, comes a book which breathes excitement and hope.
The Radical Church
The church has never been as numerically strong or as globally widespread as it is today. Christianity is presently the world's largest religion - with 1.6 billion adherents.
The Way Of The Master
The Way of the Master will put a great tool into your hand and will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear ― the way Jesus did!
Tibetanska knjiga mrtvih
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a unique work of the sacred segment of world literature. It was originally called Bardo Thodol (Liberation by Listening on the Afterlife). With an afterword by C. G. Jung.
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