12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
12 rules for life is a book that fundamentally shakes contemporary generally accepted views, a book that will transform and elevate the heart and mind of every reader.
48 zakona moći
A fascinating, wise, enlightening and extremely useful book that analyzes three thousand years of the history of power and summarizes them in 48 precisely and clearly defined laws. A book that hasn't left the top-list of the best-selling titles in the who
60 načina za iscjeljivanje života
"60 Ways to Heal Your Life" by Lynda Field offers practical advice and techniques for personal fulfillment and emotional healing.
7 navika uspješnih ljudi: Povratek etici karaktera
ADHD and the nature of self-control
Adolf Hitler: psihološki profil : njegov život i legenda : tajni dosje OSS-a o njemačkom Führeru 1943.
Alzheimerova bolest i druge demencije - rano otkrivanje i zaštita zdravlja
The first book in Croatia on Alzheimer's disease, structured in terms of content through interdisciplinary gerontological research activity, with which eminent experts and scientists of various specialist professions deal with the health protection of the
Anatomija ljudske destruktivnosti
In a world that is constantly seeing an increase in violence in its various forms, Erich Fromm treats this problem in an extremely insightful way in one of his most important books.
Anatomija ljudske destruktivnosti
In a world that is constantly seeing an increase in violence in its various forms, Erich Fromm treats this problem in an extremely insightful way in one of his most significant books.
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