Kućne biljke: Potpuni vodič uzgoja biljaka u kući
This book will give you great advice on how to choose and buy healthy plants and place them in the right environment, how to display them imaginatively, how to care for them properly, and how to get to the bottom of the most common growing problems.
Planiranje i uređenje vrta
Everything you want to know about annual planning in your garden - about the selection and scientific approach to growing flowers, about the types of vegetables and buying the right seeds - you will find in this book.
Ukrasne vrtne biljke
Growing plants in one's own garden gives a person a lot of satisfaction, and with a wise selection of plants, your garden will become beautiful.
Vaš vrt iz dana u dan
Richly illustrated, the book is intended for gardeners and all those who want to have as beautiful a flower garden or garden as possible. It contains advice on what, how and when to work in the garden during the year.
A practical book
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