100 godina posvećenja evangelističke crkve u Osijeku
15 minuta s Isusom Pred Presvetim, u svakoj prilici, na svakom mjestu
15 Minutes with Jesus, also known as Quarter Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, is a popular folk devotion that strengthens faith and trust in God and encourages us to open ourselves to God's love and grace.
A ja vam kažem...
"And I tell you..." is a book by Herbert Madinger that deals with the topics of spirituality and religion.
Almanac of Christian Trivia: A Miscellany of Oddities, Instructional Anecdotes, Little-Known Facts and Occasional Frivolity
An instructive and entertaining book about Christianity, written in an anecdotal manner, with quiz questions. A great gift!
America religions and religion
Anđeli: Glasnici između Neba i Zemlje
The book "Angels: Messengers Between Heaven and Earth" by Ellen G. White explores the role of angels in God's plan of salvation and their influence on people's lives.
Anđeli i demoni: Povijesna drama između dobra i zla
Theologians are increasingly asking the question: "Are angels and demons a myth or a reality?" In order to provide a complete view, the authors analyze this whole problem at different levels: in the first part of the volume, referring to angels, in the se
Apostol Beča - Klement Marija Hofbauer
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