Jovanka - žena koja je previša znala
And what kind of husband was Tito? Man? The first Croatian biography of Comrade Jovanka answers that question, which was really of great interest to about 20 million Yugoslavs.
24 sata, 2013.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
6.985.24 €
Jubilarni zbornik života i rada SHS: 1. XII 1918-1928
Matica živih i mrtvih Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca.
Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet. Hardcover.
The book consists of 3 volumes
65.35 €
Jugoslavenske vlade u izbjeglištvu 1941-1943
Globus, 1981.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
The book consists of two volumes
12.99 €
Jugoslavenski odbor u Londonu - u povodu 50-godišnjice osnivanja
Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 1966.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
15.24 €
Jugoslavija i komunisti - adresa Jovana Đorđevića
Mladost, 1988.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
9.99 €
Jugoslavija o Titu 1980
Izdavački centar Komunist, 1981.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
6.99 €
Jugoslavizam i federalizam u hrvatskom nacionalnom preporodu : 1835-1875 : studija o političkoj teoriji i ideologiji
Globus, 1989.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
8.99 €
Jugosloveni u mađarskim zatvorima i logorima 1941 - 1945
Dnevnik, 1988.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
14.98 €
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