Propast Titanica
"The writer of this book is not making anything up. He is only interested in the facts that caused the downfall of the Titanic, the most luxurious and largest passenger steamship at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Prošlost i razmišljanja
Prostor šutnje (vremenu usprkos!)
The book continues a series of the author's professional works dedicated to Baranja.
Protivrečnosti u socijalističkoj privredi
Prvi parlament Kraljevstva Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca - Privremeno narodno predstavništvo
Psihe: kult duša i vjera u besmrtnost u Grka
In this work, the famous German classical philologist and friend of Nietzsche, Erwin Rohde, describes the ancient Greek cult of souls and the sources of the belief in the immortality of the Greeks, exploring its relationship to life before and after death
Pucanj u Kennedyja: Životna priča i dramatična smrt voljenog predsjednika
In the middle of a campaign visit to Dallas in 1963, President J.F. Kennedy was assassinated. This is his life story, about his political career, about his dramatic death and the events surrounding it. The assassination shook America, changed its history
Putovi afričke književnosti
Putovi i putokazi (IV): niz članaka o našoj prošlosti
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