Analitic philosophy
Logika prirodnih i društvenih nauka
The author discusses the application of logic to the diverse scientific methods of the several natural and social sciences and to the humanities. He explores the potential for bringing scientific verification into the world of ideological controversy.
Obod, 1968.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
8.42 €
Problem saznanja
In this book, the author of "Language, Truth and Logic" tackles one of the central issues of philosophy - how we can know anything - by setting out all the sceptic's arguments and trying to counter them one by one.
Nolit, 1963.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
18.62 €
Wittgensteinov žarač: priča o desetominutnoj svađi dvojice velikih filozofa
Why did an event that took place more than half a century ago, in a small room, at a regular meeting of a little-known university club, during a discussion on a thorny topic, cause such outrage?
Algoritam, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
8.54 - 8.56 €
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