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Ostala je samo radost
"Only Joy Remains" is a novel by Ilijana T. Cvetnić that explores themes of love, loss, and inner strength.
Psihička samoobrana
After being the victim of a powerful psychic attack herself, she detailed how to protect yourself from paranormal malevolence.
Jovanka - žena koja je previša znala
And what kind of husband was Tito? Man? The first Croatian biography of Comrade Jovanka answers that question, which was really of great interest to about 20 million Yugoslavs.
Ostati ili otići?
Are you in a relationship but not really happy? Are there days when you feel like you know exactly what to do? But when you get home, your determination melts and you endure belittling, snubs, arguments because you just don't know how to stand up for your
Savršena pitanja, savršeni odgovori
The search for the meaning of life takes a young American member of the Peace Corps to the other side of the world, to an ancient city in the middle of West Bengal.
Sluškinja Ančka
"The Maid Ančka" is a novel by Slovenian author Fran Saleški Finžgar that takes place in a rural setting.
Grešnik Lenart
"Sinner Lenart" is a novella by Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar that deals with themes of redemption, moral dilemmas, and the inner struggle of the individual.
7 navika uspjehnih ljudi: povratak etici karaktera
The book 7 Habits of Successful People is the world's most influential manual in the field of the psychology of success. In just a few years, this is her 12th edition in the Croatian language.
Između straha i dužnosti
"Between Fear and Duty" by Karel Grabeljšek explores the complex emotional and moral dilemmas faced by the characters in the context of war conflicts.
Put u Tolmin
"The Road to Tolmin" is a novel by Slovenian author Ciril Kosmač that explores themes of identity, belonging, and internal conflicts.
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