Agrokor - slom ortačkog kapitalizma
This is a story about events that took place with great intensity during a relatively short period of time - from February 2017 to May 2018.
Events related firstly to the collapse, and then to the preservation of the business of Agrokor, the largest Croatian company and the largest company in the region. The concentration, intensity and dynamism of these events cannot be compared to any idea of too long working hours or hard work. For some of the actors of this story, these events very quickly stopped being a job and became a mission to prove that we, in this country, which has made many economic mistakes and missed many opportunities, know and can act as effectively as those countries that we usually highlight as a role model. This story was written to record how these events, which affected a large number of people in different ways, actually happened. It was also written to provide an opportunity to understand the events surrounding Agrokor outside of the framework that was determined by the media and politics, and that means an interestingly colored picture. This is also a story about people. About people in politics who often have changing, and then completely opposite views of the short-term and the long-term, right and wrong, important and secondary. However, politics shapes social processes. This is also a story about professional people who did what they had to do. This is also a story about what happens when contract or partnership capitalism collapses. This is a story that under "normal" or "usual" circumstances might be too early to tell. Unfortunately, little of the events discussed here were normal or ordinary. That is why this story must be told now.
One copy is available