Kaznenopravna odgovornost i zaštita mladeži

Kaznenopravna odgovornost i zaštita mladeži

Mladen Singer

The book of prof. Ph.D. Mladen Singer, is a comprehensive scientific commentary on the Law on Youth Courts as well as the corresponding norms of the special part of the Croatian Criminal Code.

These are laws created for the purpose of criminal protection of children and minors, which, in addition to being an important and unique textbook on the criminal law position of young people in our country, fully satisfy the interests of a wide range of professional and scientific workers who are interested in the current issue of society's response to the criminality of young people and their criminal law protection . The successful effort of the author to enrich the current issue of the criminal legal position of young people with arguments derived from the results of numerous empirical studies, especially from the area of ​​criteria for the application of the principle of opportunity and the choice of sanctions to young people, is particularly noteworthy. The book is intended for students, employees in judicial bodies, the state attorney's office and social welfare institutions, lawyers, but also for everyone who is interested in the problems of young people in our society.

Irena Cajner Mraović
Graphics design
Tomislav Pušek
Globus, Zagreb, 1998.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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