Demokratizacija krivičnog pravosuđa

Demokratizacija krivičnog pravosuđa

Vladimir Ljubanović

The book "Democratization of Criminal Justice" by Vladimir Ljubanović, published in 1989, deals with the processes of democratization within the framework of criminal justice.

Major topics include:

  • The role of citizens: Analysis of citizen participation in criminal proceedings, including juries and other forms of civic engagement.
  • Legal framework: Overview of legal changes and reforms that have enabled greater involvement of citizens in the justice system.
  • Practical implications: Consideration of how these changes affect the efficiency and fairness of the criminal justice system

Pavle Osekovac
Graphics design
Ivan Tuna Jakić
24 x 17 cm
Pravni fakultet, Osijek, 1989.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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