Dragomir Davidović, Jelena Špadijer-Džinić, Branko Vukadinović
The book Effectiveness of Short Sentences of Deprivation of Liberty deals with the analysis of the impact of short prison sentences on the criminal behavior of perpetrators and the effectiveness of these sentences in resocialization.
Institut za kriminološka i kriminalistička istraživanja, 1965.
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatsko udruženje za kaznene znanosti i praksu, 2009.
The General Austrian Civil Code, published in 1811, represents the second significant codification of civil law in Europe after the famous French Code Civil from 1804. OGZ in Croatia and Slavonia was introduced in 1852, when imperial patent no. 246.