

For Catholics in the armed forces and law enforcement services of the Republic of Croatia.

The prayer book for Catholics in the armed forces and police services of the Republic of Croatia was issued in 2000 by the Military Ordinariate of the Republic of Croatia. This prayer book is especially intended for Catholics who serve in the army and police, providing them with spiritual support through prayers, songs and litanies.

The book contains various prayers adapted to the specific needs and situations faced by members of the armed forces and law enforcement services. It also includes illustrations of the Way of the Cross made by Maja Krstić Lukač.

Anđelko Kaćunko
Maja Krstić Lukač
13 x 8 cm
Vojni ordinarijat u RH, Zagreb, 2000.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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