Disney: Moja prva enciklopedija s Winniejem Poohom i prijateljima - Vodeni svijet

Disney: Moja prva enciklopedija s Winniejem Poohom i prijateljima - Vodeni svijet

Thea Feldman, Susan Ring, Teresa Domnauer, Cathy Hapka

My first encyclopedia book collection with Winnie the Pooh and friends is intended for children of preschool and lower school age, who get to know animals, nature and our planet.

Children identify with the heroes from Stojutarska šuma, and their entertaining questions motivate them to reflect and ask similar questions. Answers to questions and interesting and witty facts, accompanied by many photos from the natural world, will encourage thinking about the influence of man on nature and animals, developing environmental awareness along the way.

Original title
My very first encyclopedia with Winnie the Pooh & friends - Waters
Marko Plavić
Robert Mlinarec
Ernest Howard Shepard
Graphics design
Ernest Howard Shepard
27 x 20 cm
Egmont, Zagreb, 2011.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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