Huzur means peace - inner peace, peace with oneself. The book Huzur brings a story about struggle, facing the most difficult human fears, about joy and peace as the ultimate goal and complete human fulfillment.
It is a book that exposes and demystifies the fight against breast cancer, with which the writer has been fighting for a year and does not hide her struggle from the reader - experiences, difficulties and the most intimate moments of a long and anxious recovery. Huzur represents peace in all dimensions of life. Huzurlu insan is a fulfilled man, calm, emotionally and physically healthy. The one who realized that the material is not a determinant of value, who penetrated to the core of spirituality, loved himself, his inner self and created an absolute balance in his microworld. Huzur as the balance of the soul, feelings, the balance of desires and reality, imagination and reality. Huzur as primordial happiness, because a person can be calm even though he is not happy, but he cannot be happy if he is not calm.
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